Elena Grace Orwick
Creative artist
a bit about me:
My name is Elena Grace Orwick. I am 11. Thank you so much for coming to look at my artwork!
Most of my recent art has been about color, but lately, I have been experimenting with the values, harmony and contrast in my paintings. I have also been noticing how the quality of the paint itself changes the painting too.
I have been exploring how the harmony and contrast are like a kind of music that leads my brush like a dancer. In my opinion painting in general is like dancing, each new move is a color, every step is a stroke. Sometimes I like to let the music take over. It leads me to another world where it doesn't matter if the painting is perfect, or if it sells at all. All that matters is that I have fun painting, because if you are having fun the painting will be fun. Artists don't want you to just see it, they want you to feel it. So do you feel it too?